Bernarda Alba tells of the tales of a powerful matriarch, who imposes a strict rule on her household following her second husband’s funeral: “Not a breath of outside air is going to enter this house. It’s going to feel like we’ve bricked up the doors and windows,” she proclaims. Bernarda’s five daughters, however, struggle with her cold wishes. The girls’ dreams and desires challenge their mother’s harsh rules and the outside world begins to slowly permeate their isolated existence.
Early Bird (10% discount)
on Normal Nights
Valid until 18th Feb 2010
RM 48
RM 28
RM 43.50
RM 28
RM 28
RM 25.50
RM 28
RM 28
RM 25.50
Senior Citizen
RM 38
RM 28
RM 34.50
* One ticket admits one person only. No child sharing seat or babies in arms.
* No admission for children below 12. All children aged 12 and above are required to purchase ticket for admission.